Not a twitter fan, eh Martin?

Thought for the Day: Drive too fast to worry about cholesterol Dumb and dumber It is almost certainly an age thing – as the years pass I become more and more Luddite and look at technological developments with an increasingly jaundiced eye. Or rather, I look at the way in which these ‘advances’ are used,… read more →

Tom on Tour – the ups and downs.

“I wrote last time from the mountain tops of the Dolomites in Italy. Since then I have felt both the highs and lows that come from the game. I had two more tournaments on the Alps tour to play before European Tour Q School and I’m afraid to say I played pretty poorly in them,… read more →

Shark attack on back nine.

Okay. You’re standing on the 12th tee and a shark falls out of the sky. Now’s that’s one for the bar later. And it happened this week in Southern California. A two foot leopard shark got dropped by a bird (who had presumably bitten off a bit more than it could cope with), landing on… read more →

Martin Vousden on Life after the Ryder Cup. And resurrections.

Thought for the Day: Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet? A (Scottish) Sense of Perspective During the early part of last week at the Dunhill Links Championship it was noticeable that everyone, it seemed, was still on a high… read more →