Bet you’ll want to have a go at this…

The US Open. No, we’re not suggesting you try and sneak on the tee at Pebble Beach next Thursday (has there been an American Maurice Flitcroft?). This is your chance to win a GoKart electric golf trolley, or the equivalent in GoKart goodies, and entering couldn’t be easier.

Coming soon to a screen near you…

The US Open at Pebble Beach (starts Thursday 17th June). And along with it our US Open comp to win a GoKart by predicting the winner and, if you’re very clever, the winning score.  We’ll give you a list of players and some statistics to get your teeth into next week to ease the process,… read more →

Trumpton news from Martin Vousden

This week’s news from Martin. In the presence of his Trumpness no less. Thought for the Day If you’re going to have a lucky number, don’t make it 2,375 because that rarely comes up when you’re gambling In the presence of greatness I was summoned – it really is the only applicable word – last… read more →

Harry Vardon said…

“Don’t play too much golf. Two rounds a day are plenty.” “A great deal of unnecessarily bad golf is played in this world.” “If your opponent is playing several shots in vain attempts to extricate himself from a bunker, do not stand near him and audibly count his strokes. It would be justifiable homicide if… read more →