The GoKartoonist

Introducing our very own Kartoonist Laureate, and long time GoKarteer, Geoff Waterhouse. Not related, but very much part of the family now.

Names & postcodes can’t hurt you…

…in fact they can earn you money! We’ve just launched a whizzer of a scheme in which all GoKart owners are invited to take part. With our usual subtlety, it’s dubbed “The GoKart Breeding Programme”. It’s nothing to do with inappropriate behaviour between inanimate objects (there’s plenty of websites catering for that sort of thing),… read more →

Win a GoKart at the US Open

The 209th US Open starts at Bethpage State Park, New York on 18th June. The big story so far is that we’re giving away a GoKart in the next of our now traditional Majors Competitions. Everybody’s talking about it. Honest. The rules are simple; just pick the winner, and their winning score, before the opening… read more →